So - yes, I honestly do LOVE LOVE LOVE every single item on the previous post and I can't wait to eat them tomorrow!
However - these are the RANDOM things I've craved over the past three days...
Chef Boyardee Beefaroni in a can
Chocolate covered glazed donuts
Those little fried crunchy things that come with Chinese food
Fried eggs and rice
fried chicken
chili cheese fritos
vegetable broth
Kincaid's burgers
French Fries (this one has been really bad)
mashed potatoes
mac and cheese
cheese pizza (another bad one)
the little crunchy snacks at The Library Bar
sweet and sour chicken
rice and gravy and greenbeans
shrimp cocktail
chips and salsa
Mexican Pizzas from Taco Bell
bean and cheese burrito from Taco bell
Like I said, I've never done a detox before, so I wasn't sure how my body would react. Obviously it's really having a tough time letting go of old habits.
But I am strong and determined!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Dirty Detox
Labels: bad habits, Cleanse, cravings, junk
This is how I feel about food right now!
Food is great...
I love sweet potatoes
I love sweet potato fries
I love veggie burgers
I love tofu scrambles
I love quinoa
I love spinach
I love bell peppers
I love black beans
I love brown rice
I love tofu sausage
I love fish
I love salsa
I love almond cheese
I love almonds
I love cashews
I love spaghetti squash
I love edamame
I love stir frys
I love sprouted grain tortillas
I love eggs
I love whole grain toast
I love pancakes
I love soy butter
I love avocados
I love nut butter
I love strawberries
I love kiwis
I love onions
I love jalapeno peppers
I love eggplant
I love cabbage
I love brussel sprouts
I love asparagus
I love lemons
I love dark chocolate
I love oatmeal
I love mustard
I love coffee
I love green tea
I love cranberry juice (not from concentrate)
Right now, I would like to roll around in all of those things...
Labels: Food
Home stretch!
We are in the final day of the Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse and we're surviving!
The bizarre cravings are still there - this morning it's Chef Boyadree Beefaroni in a can. Haven't had that in YEARS... yesterday it was vegetable broth (which is actually not a bad option!), Kincaid's cheeseburger and fries and chili cheese fritos. I'm still trying to figure out if it's my body craving something or if it's just a psychological thing (wanting what you "can't" have). Who knows!
Part of me, honestly, wanted to throw in the towel last night. As I drove home from Fort Worth last night, I passed a slew of "tastes good but NOT good for ya" chains - Taco Bell, Taco Cabana, Panda Express, Whataburger, Wendys and the list goes on and on. And while I haven't eaten fast food in quite some time, I had to keep saying to myself as I drove by the exit...NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS LEAN FEELS... and I just kept picturing me and Jimmy on the beach in Mexico! And I kept driving. Jimmy and I were talking about it before bed last night and he brought up a good point - I'd be disappointed in myself if I didn't finish this.
And he's right.
Far too many times, I begin things and then crap out just before the end. It's like I can see the finish line, but the folding chair that the spectators are sitting in looks much more comfortable than going the distance. I'm trying to be better about that.
But not this time...this time I'm in it to win it! Only a couple of hours left! And I still have 2 apples, 2 shakes and a huge salad to go!!!
I'm looking forward to sitting down with Jimmy tonight to make a food gameplan (a list!) for the coming two months. Now that life is semi-normal, I'm looking forward to being able to cook dinner and having different options!
For my last round of ChaLEAN Extreme I used Mark Sisson's Primal Blueprint as a food guide - really cut out most carbs and I saw great results. I'm thinking of adding back things like brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal and black beans. Turbo Fire is getting ready to be released and so I want to make sure that my body will get the fuel it needs and so I can maintain my weight (and adding a few pounds will be a goal!).
Tomorrow I'll be all cleaned out and ready to start physical training. Will continue with P90X workouts mixed in with Turbo Jam Get on the Ball cardio workouts until Turbo Fire is released. Jimmy and I will both post daily about our two month "Mexico Mad Dash". We'd love if you wanted to join us on the this two month journey - it's going to be clean food and tough workouts - so if you're up for the challenge, let me know!!!
I'll post final thoughts on the cleanse tomorrow. If you want more info on Shakeology, click here!
Have a great day and take a baby step toward improving your lifestyle today!
Labels: Beachbody, ChaLEAN Extreme, Cleanse, Food, Jimmy Hays Nelson, Mark Sisson, P90X, Shakeology, Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam, Workout
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Shake shake shake
After a weekend of indulgence and with a beach vacation two months away, Jimmy and I decided to start the two month training with the Shakeology cleanse.
What's that, you ask?
Here it is in a nutshell - 3 servings of Shakeology, 2 pieces of fruit and a large salad for dinner. Not a lot of calories, but extremely nutrient dense - so you're body is really able to get rid of the garbage!
I'd never done this type of a cleanse before, so I'm not really sure how my body will react. And I'm not doing it to drop weight - just to clean out the plumbing!
Day 1 was interesting to say the least!
Got up and made a shake to sip on during my morning commute. Put water and LOTS of ice, so it's like a Wendy's frosty! That was great - and I thought, ok, I can do this. I love the taste of Shakeology, so being able to have it three times was going to be a treat!
Then came the cravings.
Weird cravings.
I haven't eaten red meat in close to 4 years and I've eaten chicken maybe half a dozen times in those 4 years. But all of a sudden, I start getting REALLY strong cravings for things like meatloaf and mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, burgers, cheese pizza, chips and salsa...and the list went on and on.
Hold it...I'm NOT pregnant.
I guess my body was getting rid of the crap and, like packrats trying to have a garage sale, my body was like "are you sure you don't want to keep some of this?!?!". Nope.
I managed to get through the work day and have my last shake before it was time to go to Fit Club. Jimmy and I were both starving and couldn't wait to get home to eat our LARGE salads!! In the Shakeology webinar, they say that you should do it for three days, but you could do it for one or two. We were so ready to eat at this point that the one day cleanse sounded pretty good!
But we are in training - and that means being thrust out of your comfort zone so your body can change!
So we're in it for the duration.
Fit Club was a challenge for both of us (we both lead it - Jimmy doing extreme versions and I do modifications) - we did Turbo Jam Fat Blaster and Turbo Fire. We were shaking and lightheaded by the end. I think I burned as many calories as I'd consumed in the entire day - just in that short 45 minute span (thank you, Chalene Johnson!).
We were toast!
We rushed home and made the best salads in the whole world - colorful, flavorful (it was basically a clean out the fridge kind of salad!!!) and we got lean protein - Jimmy had chicken and I had fish. We savored each bite - it was a good end to the day. (sorry to cut this part short - my mouth is watering!!!)
Woke up this morning and hopped on the scale (I don't usually weigh myself, but I'm doing it daily just for the purpose of the cleanse). I'm down 3.5 pounds. I will continue to monitor it over the next two days. Don't want to drop too much, but at the same time, I need to clean the crap out before I can start sculpting for the beach vacation!!!
Didn't workout this morning. Probably should've. Get it out of the way while my energy is highest. If all goes well today, I'll hit the gym tomorrow morning.
Sipping on green tea now - will probably have 1/2 of an apple in an hour - and maybe some coffee. It's going to be a great day!
I'm really excited at what the next two months have in store for me and Jimmy. We have an amazing vacation planned for the beginning of August - Azul Sensatori is where we'll be spending five glorious days! We are going to buckle down and really see what we're made of the next two months!
We'd love to hear what your goals are - what motivates you - and what we can do to help you achieve them!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Ebb and flow

We drove down to Austin Friday afternoon and met up with one of our Beachbody coaches - Paul Smith & his lovely wife Jodena! We had an amazing dinner overlooking Lake Travis.
Before setting out on Saturday to walk around downtown, we made a plan. We could exhale and eat, drink and be merry this weekend, then when we got back, it would be a 2 month countdown until our Mexico vacation. So we agreed that we would enjoy ourselves and then it was hardcore training starting Tuesday!
Saturday was spent roaming around downtown Austin. We found it to be a little empty especially since all the hotels in the area were booked for the holiday weekend - we later figured out that most people hit the rivers during the day and saved bar hopping for the evening! We popped in and out of bars and restaurants and even strolled by the Capitol Building! We had a lot of fun - it was really relaxing (hot...but relaxing!) We ended our day on the early side knowing we'd get up at a decent time to hit the San Marcos River before the crowds.
Sunday was a blast - neither of us had been tubing, so we didn't really know what to expect. It was so relaxing. It was tamer than I thought it was going to be and the float was supposed to be an hour to an hour and a half, but it seemed more like 45 minutes. We stopped between float #1 & 2 for lunch - great little spot at the end of the river. Floats 2 & 3 were equally nice. I think next time we'll try to get to a river that's a bit of a longer time in the water. It was a cheap way to relax and enjoy the sun!
Sunday night we decided to go back to Austin - food options are better and it's a bit closer to home. Smart move - we had some of the best Mexican food - Guerro's Taco Bar. I've had a lot of fish tacos, but MAN - these were so good! Then next door, they had a patio with a band so we sat under the trees and chilled.
Monday was the trek home - not bad - we both felt the weekend of indulgence catching up to us. So we decided to do the Shakeology 3 day cleanse to jump start our 2 months of training!
Today is Day 1!
People do cleanses for different reasons. I'm not trying to drop weight from it - just trying to detox from all the crap that I put in my body of the weekend! Kinda like hitting the restart button! I haven't done anything like this before, so I'm anxious to see how my energy levels are and what the end result will be. Not sure that I'll post specific measurements, but I'll blog about how it's going.
And I'll also go through our 2 month training - what we're eating, the workouts, motivation, etc. So stay tuned for that. We're both excited not only to see the progress, but to know that we've got an amazing trip at the end of it! In the coming days, I'll post pics of the resort.
I guess the point of the blog is that everyone should be able to let their hair down every once in a while - I'm a very big believer in "everything in moderation". If you don't cut yourself a little slack now and then you go can go a little nuts!
So anybody that wants to do this two months of buckle down with me and Jimmy, let me know - we love having people around us to keep us motivated and on track!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Look into my eyes......
Thursday, May 27, 2010
I will not be pinned in!
Labels: Beachbody, ChaLEAN Extreme, clothes, fitness, mall, Shakeology