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Wednesday, July 22, 2009


So I saw the brilliant Dr. Piken this afternoon for my weekly visit. I told him my hip flexors had been on fire recently. He did lots and lots of testing - trying to figure out the root of the problem. Nothing was testing as signs of weakness. Then he figured it out...my abs were shut off. Because of that, my hips flexors and my neck (area around my collar bone also oddly sore) were having to compensate to hold me up! He said that I've been pushing myself so hard and the abs are a hard group to stretch and so they shut off! So he did some massage work to turn them back on and to make my hip flexors relax. Night and day difference - I stood up and my hips were fabulous!!!!


He said I need to take it easy for a few days til my body gets back in sync. So INSANITY will be on hold for a couple of days (which makes me a little insane!!) - but I will get up and do X Stretch tomorrow and give my body time to recover. I tried to go to yoga tonight (which he said was ok), but the yoga teacher had an emergency & had to cancel. Probably a sign that I need to lay on the couch and watch TV (I mean rest my over-worked body!)

I'm doing this for me - and so there's not an expected end date or final result. So I'm happy listening to my body and giving it the time it needs to heal. I feel like I'm one big science project - always tweaking things to see the outcome! It's exciting!!!

I am very thankful for Dr. Piken. He's a chiropractor, but he also does applied kinesiology and nutrition counseling. So he looks at the big picture. Which I think is amazing! And I'm so glad that I have him to monitor my progress - I really trust him. If you need a good doctor in NY - he's top notch!!! (And he's a Beachbody customer - doing Ten Minute Trainers!!!)