OK - enough sap...
Today was INSANITY Cardio Power & Resistance.
Haven't slept well all week - not sure why...either tossing and turning or crazy dreams. I've come to the conclusion that the little man in my head has changed up his game plan. He's become a night owl. Thinking that by not letting me rest peacefully, I'll turn off the alarm and go back to sleep. Sorry, Charlie. I'm on a mission!!!
Walked over sleepy-eyed to the gym and just felt a little sluggish. Then I pushed play! It's amazing to me how my body just steps up to the plate. Like a well trained dog. The sound of Shaun yelling makes the hairs on my arm stand up. It's game time!
I love this workout! Granted, still LOTS of room for improvement, but I feel like I'm moderately OK at it!!! We all took breaks today, but I have to pat myself on the back for taking the least amount of breaks - really digging deep and pushing thru. I was on fire today! My endurance is picking up. I challenged myself to do two more pushups each time and to really pushed during the standing/jumping/squatting parts - just kept telling myself that if I'm not about to puke, there's no reason to stop!!! hey...whatever works!
Taking the advice from the brilliant Dr. Piken, I've been using recovery drink before, during and after the workouts. And I really haven't had muscle soreness and I feel like my recovery rate is really high. I'm also taking Beachbody's Performance Formula before workouts just to give me some oomph to get going. Both are golden. I feel great - and my energy thru the workout is consistent - no bonking. And man, oh man...the endorphins release is incredible. My moods are great and I have lots of energy throughout the day.
I'm eating close to my 2130 calorie recommendation a day. I feel like I'm eating all the time, but it's being put to good use! I don't feel heavy or bloated. I feel light and lean. Fueling your body with the right things makes SUCH a difference!!!
I just counted the days...Sept 16th is Day 60. I can't wait to compare my Before and Afters!!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
back to INSANITY
sweet rewards
I just have to take a time out from my INSANITY blog to just express how blessed I am to be a Beachbody coach - and I'm not using this to plug myself or pat myself on the back, but to give thanks. It's been something that is indescribable - I've been able to reunite with old friends and help them get started on a healthier path, I've made lots of new friends who I've helped get turn their lives around, and I've been introduced to some incredible trainers - some of the best in the industry! And as I sit here today, I'm just overwhelmed with it all...in a good way.
I feel like I'm making a difference, one person at a time. Paying it forward, one email and phone call at a time.
And each life that I help change is a unique gift. Looking back, I never thought that people would come to ME about healthy eating or working out. I used to be scrawny little Kel who ate Chick-Fil-A three times a day.
My eyes have been opened to lots of amazing information and it's helped me to make what some might think are drastic lifestyle changes, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I am in the best shape of my life and I feel better than I did 10 years ago!!! And I love love love being able to pass that information along to other people. It's not a secret. It's called hard work, dedication and making smart, informed decisions.
So thank you....this is an amazing opportunity for me and I'm so excited that it's just the beginning!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
back in the saddle
After 4 lonnnngggg days off from Insanity, I was back in the saddle yesterday!!
During those 4 days, I really rested - didn't do anything, and I was hyper aware of my hips and my abs. And for little bits here and there, I started to worry about what if I couldn't do Insanity - what if Dr. Piken told me that it's too insane for me. And it made me a little sad. Yes, there are a TON of other things that I can do and still stay in great shape. But it was about the challenge and this HUGE obstacle that I set my mind to and I was bound and determined to overcome it. So I was a little nervous about Monday's workout.
My abs and hips felt like they were finally cooperating, so I was ready to "ease" back into it...well, as much as I could (Pure Cardio was on the docket). I decided I was going to do what I could and stop if I needed to.
Ready or not, here we go!!!!!
I actually felt pretty good. My intensity probably wasn't as high as normal, but that was my way of easing back into things. I skipped one move toward the end - suicide jumps, but other than that, things were feeling pretty darn good. Dr. Piken said to get electrolytes in me before, during and after the workout, so I had recovery drink and water on hand and downed both. I also stretched my abs throughout the day and tried to keep them relaxed when possible. It was funny though, on my walk home from the gym, my obliques were already sore. They were DEFINITELY turned on now... thank you Dr. Piken!
Went to bed too late last night, but the alarm went off at the same time as usual...5am. We rolled out of bed, put on work out clothes and tried to get our minds right on the way to the gym. Walked into the gym studio, and Ali (one of the guys that works out at the gym that Jimmy was talking with about the program) was waiting for us...we had a workout buddy!!!!!
We were like Dorothy (me, obv!), the Tin Man (Jimmy with his hard bod!) and the Scarecrow (Ali, since he had no CLUE what was about to hit him!) - arm-in-arm, skipping down the yellow brick road into the forest where the wicked witch (the workout) awaited our arrival!
Today was Plyo Cardio - one that I've always felt good about...well, good about HALF of it! The second half usually brings me to my knees, crumbled in a puddle of my own DNA. I try not to think about the second half of the workout.
Focus on the moment.
We pushed play and off we went, singing our happy little tunes (the little man in my head was even singing along...he's been quite pleasant lately!!! He LOVES the endorphin rush!!). We were all doing relatively well, grabbing our knees and gasping for air at points, chugging water and recovery drink, stretching when needed. Then came round two. Man oh man. I have to say that I AM getting better, but being a sweaty mess and trying to do pushups on slick wood floors was even more of a challenge than not crumbling to the floor!!! I even had little hand grip things that I use for pullups - no good!!! It was like we were all trying to play Twister and Slip and Slide all at the same time!!!! I tried to wipe the floor between sets, but it was no use, the more I wiped, the more I'd sweat!!! But we finally made it to the end. Looking at ourselves in the mirror, we had flashbacks to the 90s and hypercolor shirts. All of our shirts had completely changed colors - soaked with sweat. The floor of the gym studio looked like we'd have poured a glass of water where each of us stood.
This was hard work.
And as I sit at work today, I am SOOOO thankful that my body has gotten back in sync and that I'm able to continue this battle.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
So I saw the brilliant Dr. Piken this afternoon for my weekly visit. I told him my hip flexors had been on fire recently. He did lots and lots of testing - trying to figure out the root of the problem. Nothing was testing as signs of weakness. Then he figured it out...my abs were shut off. Because of that, my hips flexors and my neck (area around my collar bone also oddly sore) were having to compensate to hold me up! He said that I've been pushing myself so hard and the abs are a hard group to stretch and so they shut off! So he did some massage work to turn them back on and to make my hip flexors relax. Night and day difference - I stood up and my hips were fabulous!!!!
come back little grey bar!!!
Yesterday was my first day braving INSANITY alone...or so I thought! Jimmy was already out of the house by the time I rolled out of bed at 5am. He's going to Vegas!!! I liked having him with me to do INSANITY - we are great motivators for each other. So going at it alone was a little bit scary. On the docket...Cardio Recovery - which I heard was not really a "recovery"!!! So I popped in the DVD into my laptop at the gym and lo and behold, who's standing there looking back at me on the screen...JIMMY!!! Like a little angel sent to get me thru the workout! I totally forgot that he was in that DVD! So that made me smile and put me at ease...well until Shaun said "ready, go!"!!!!
The workout really was not bad - LOTS of holding and pulsing and core work. I was a sweaty mess once again!!! And felt really great and peaceful!
Got home last night - still feeling great despite the rain - and decided to work on Turbo Kick for a bit! I got thru the whole round without having to stop. My neighbors downstairs probably thought I was crazy - jumpin' around and talkin' to myself!!! Oh well! I was very proud of myself for getting thru it. Again...sweaty mess!! Slept like a baby last night!!!
Today's workout was Insanity Pure Cardio. And as I was getting ready to go to the gym, the mental prep started. I thought ok, I'm ready for some cardio, this will be good!!! I actually didn't have to do that much convincing - I was ready for it (and I think the little man living in my head was still soundly sleeping...shhhhh)!!
Not gonna lie...this workout is a bitch (pardon my French!)! I didn't realize that by "pure cardio" he meant "no breaks Cardio"!!! I loved that it was 2 rounds of differnet moves - no repeating moves - and that there were LOTS of people stopping to get water. I had a liter of water and a small shaker cup w/ 1 scoop of recovery drink - I downed them both and I think that I probably sweated them all out at the same time!
This is probably too much information, but I was drenched - I looked like a combination of the kid on Billy Madison that wet his pants and the chick on Flashdance. I was a hot mess. And had to do the Walk of Shame home with sweaty pants (guess it's not really a walk of shame - I busted my tail, I earned that sweat!...but the guy who passes me every morning for his morning smoke and stroll probably thinks I need adult diapers or something!)
Got thru the workout decently well - took a couple of breaks and I know that I will be able to push harder next time! I am proud that I made it all the way to the end of the workout (always an accomplishment not to be crumbled on the floor!!)!
I was really aware of my core today. Tried to really keep it tight throughout the workout. I felt solid! Don't get me wrong, I still felt like a ton of bricks on things like the high jump rope at the end and the switch kicks (which were like the second move and I was already dying!!) Looking forward to building more power in my legs to be able to feel light on those!
Another great mood day too - if nothing else - it's worth the sweat and early alarm to feel this great throughout the day! I haven't hit the afternoon slump like normal and I have tons of energy when I get home - hence yesterday's extra Turbo Kick session!!
Today will try to make it home in time for some Vinyasa Yoga - a nice treat for my bod!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Good morning, Shaun
Monday moring, 0500...Astoria, NY...alarm sounds
Little man in my head: "man, this is the most comfortable bed EVER...and it's cozy under the covers! Just cuddle with Jimmy for just one more hour."
Me: "nope."
Off went the covers and on went the workout clothes! Jimmy and I walked to the gym, laptop and water in hand, at dawn. (sounds like we're going to duel! well, we were...kinda!) Still sleepy-eyed and trying to get in the right mind frame to get our butts kicked!
We set up the laptop in the corner of the gym studio and pressed play.
I can't tell whether I like or hate that it starts out so fast. I guess it's good - sure wakes you up quickly so you can get the hard work goin'. Nothing like a heart rate of 175 within 20 minutes of waking up!!!!!!!!!
We were dripping - sweat was flingin' and our hands were so sweaty they were sliding all over the floor for the floor sprints! Serious DNA removal going on!
The little man...now awake and pissed off from being woken up at an ungodly hour, was just a fussin' at me. I literally was talking out loud to him during this workout. "KEEP GOING. I CAN DO THIS. I AM DOING THIS."
We made it to the end - not too bad - we took breaks and were huffing and puffing - but there was no vomiting or nausea today! I realized that I need to get some workout shorts - most of the pants that I wear to workout are usually capri length. By the end of the warmup, my pants are stuck to me and my shirt's come off (I'm in a sports bra...get your mind out of the gutters!!!!). Sweaty mess doesn't begin to describe it.
I make sure to wipe up the sweat puddles before we leave. Need to bring a camera to capture it one morning!
Got home, had Shakeology, prepped food for the day, got ready and came into the office. My mood was IN-CREDIBLE! I felt like I was on Cloud 9. Endorphins were kickin'!!!
So far soreness hasn't been bad. I feel it in my calves and the underside of my butt (Jimmy calls it where your butt smiles!). Lots of pushups today, so I'll see how my chest feels tomorrow - so far, so good!!! Recovery drink during this is a life saver!!!! But I feel like Bastian from The Neverending Story..."not too much (recovery drink)...we still have a long way to go!!!"
I've tried to up my calories for the day. I need to sit down and look at the food guide tonight - says I should take in 2130 calories to maintain my weight (which is what I'm trying to do!). That's almost double what I normally take in. So it will be an adjustment.
Had chocolate shakeology w/ soy yogurt, nut butter and almond milk for breakfast #1. Oatmeal w/ 10 grain cereal, protein powder, nut butter, chopped almonds and frozen berries (this was a BIG bowl of goodness!!!) for breakfast #2. An apple and almonds for AM snack. Leftover pasta w/ red sauce for lunch. Then I have celery and nut butter for my PM snack and will probably have salmon and brown rice and maybe a salad for dinner. And then I'll put in my food, and see if I need a little something before bed. I feel like an eating machine! But I need to - with this program I will be a lean, mean, eating and fighting machine!!!! ggrrrrrrrr!!!!!!
The amazing thing is that I don't feel tired at all. Yes, getting up at 5am wasn't all sunshine and roses, but I can't tell you how great it felt to tackle that first thing! Such an amazing way to start the day. And to have Jimmy there to tackle it with me made it that much better! But I feel so great right now that I'm going to hit up Power Yoga tonight!!!!
I think I'm going to take weekly progress pics - and then pics on the fit test days. My abs feel tighter already and my whole body feels strong. Looking forward to being able to see improvements as I go through the program. Taking less breaks, jumping higher, squatting lower - things like that. I know there were moves from the Fit Test that I can improve on form wise - and so my numbers from the Fit Test might go down, but now that I know proper form, there's no cheating!!!
Jimmy's travelling the rest of the week, so I'll be on my own. But I'll be up and at 'em at 5am every morning. It's like ripping off a bandaid - better to do it quickly than to make the anticipation drag on. Get it done first thing - then the rest of the day will be smooth sailing!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
It's begun
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The little man...
So I am getting ready to undertake a new workout program. It's called INSANITY. And it's aptly named. It's Beachbody's latest release and it's touted as the toughest thing they've ever put out. Jimmy had the privlege of being in three of the DVDs. He thought he was in great shape...until he went through the auditions and filming of INSANITY. He said he was nauseus in the warm up...I knew I had to try it but when he would describe these moves, I just kept thinking man, there is no way that I'm going to be able to keep up with this.
Why...why was that the first thought in my head?
I didn't know what these moves looked like, yet I chose a negative reaction as my first first response. Who knows, Jimmy may be fit, but it might be something that I could dance circles around him doing. I didn't know. All I knew was that he was wiped by the end of the shoot.
Far too often, we second guess ourselves and sell ourself short. I'm very guilty of it. I'm trying to get better at it. Trying to have more of an open mind about things and not to have an initial negative reaction. But it's tough. It's something that is so embedded that it's automatic. And it takes a lot of focus to change that.
As the delivery date of INSANITY soon approaches, I keep thinking I CAN DO THIS!!! I WILL DO THIS!!! And yet, like the little man with the hammer that lives in your head when you have a headache, this little man in my head keeps saying "are you sure??...this is some pretty intense stuff". Really?!?! Come on, man...
Then yesterday, I was poking around in my Coaching Back Office and there were testimonials up from the people who'd gone through the test group. I watched Alysia's first. 40 year old mother of twins. Holy cow. She looked amazing. I have to admit that I got choked up and a little teary eyed when I watched this. I want to be in that kind of shape after I have kids. Wow... The little man in my head grew quieter.
Later in the day, I watched Rachel's story. Rachel was a fit gal to begin with, but man oh man, she looked incredible after!!! The video showed her pushing through some of these moves and just giving it everything that she had! The little man stopped talking.
Then I realized what was making the little man in my head say all of those things. It wasn't fear or self doubt at all. I know that I can do those moves, even if I have to modify some here and there. I know my body well enough and I am comfortable doing modifications until I can go at full speed. I am also a hard worker and if I have a goal, I push to reach it. And I know that there's that fire in me - I see myself, in my head, doing these moves with the people in the video.
I know that I have it in me.
And I think I've figured out where the doubts are coming from.
We can all get up and halfway sleep thru out workouts, or phone in some kicking, punching and squatting. But with INSANITY, there's no half-assing it. You have got to give 110% from the time the DVD starts til the time you crumble onto the floor in a pool of your own hard work.
And it always seems so easy to make an excuse as to why we should take the day off from working out - or just do something easy to say that we did something. Or to just stop mid-workout. We convince ourselves that these things are all acceptable and slowly start to get away from the hard work ethic and drive that started us on this workout journey to begin with. I do this a lot - I bust my butt and start seeing great results and then I get complacent with them. And then I just kinda coast thru and then fall off the wagon.
This is all changing.
With my June buckle down month, I really pushed myself and it felt soooo great. I have a refreshed spirit about the whole thing. I realized that I'm not doing it for anyone else but me. The time that I spend working out is time to work on ME...outside and in. And it is precious time, so I have to make the most out of it!
That little man in my head is an evil little man. He's going to be there when I push play, and when I am huffing, puffing and nauseus near the end of the workout. But I'm going to crush him quickly. He will not be able to stick around because I am a fighter and a hard worker and I am ready to tackle this!!!!
Here's what it looks like - let me know if you want to try it - we can tackle it together!!!
*stay tuned for before pics!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Dusty Bottoms 2009
We got back this morning from a really great couple of days in Jacksonville, FL. The occassion: Dusty Bottoms 2009! What's Dusty Bottoms you might ask???! Let's see if I can give a short version...Jimmy & I got married in 2003. Jimmy had two friends that he went to college with, Dave & Erin, and he invited them both to our wedding. Dave & Erin had a past - and they were coming unbeknownst to the other...long story short, it was a good thing that they both decided to come to our wedding. They began dating again and got married New Year's Eve 2007. They had one of the neatest weddings - it was laid back and low key - and we met and got to know some really great people. We all said that we'd love to get together every year since we all became close friends - we said this after our wedding, but it never happened.
Labels: vacation
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
A little goes a long way...