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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

come back little grey bar!!!

Yesterday was my first day braving INSANITY alone...or so I thought! Jimmy was already out of the house by the time I rolled out of bed at 5am. He's going to Vegas!!! I liked having him with me to do INSANITY - we are great motivators for each other. So going at it alone was a little bit scary. On the docket...Cardio Recovery - which I heard was not really a "recovery"!!! So I popped in the DVD into my laptop at the gym and lo and behold, who's standing there looking back at me on the screen...JIMMY!!! Like a little angel sent to get me thru the workout! I totally forgot that he was in that DVD! So that made me smile and put me at ease...well until Shaun said "ready, go!"!!!!

The workout really was not bad - LOTS of holding and pulsing and core work. I was a sweaty mess once again!!! And felt really great and peaceful!

Got home last night - still feeling great despite the rain - and decided to work on Turbo Kick for a bit! I got thru the whole round without having to stop. My neighbors downstairs probably thought I was crazy - jumpin' around and talkin' to myself!!! Oh well! I was very proud of myself for getting thru it. Again...sweaty mess!! Slept like a baby last night!!!

Today's workout was Insanity Pure Cardio. And as I was getting ready to go to the gym, the mental prep started. I thought ok, I'm ready for some cardio, this will be good!!! I actually didn't have to do that much convincing - I was ready for it (and I think the little man living in my head was still soundly sleeping...shhhhh)!!

Not gonna lie...this workout is a bitch (pardon my French!)! I didn't realize that by "pure cardio" he meant "no breaks Cardio"!!! I loved that it was 2 rounds of differnet moves - no repeating moves - and that there were LOTS of people stopping to get water. I had a liter of water and a small shaker cup w/ 1 scoop of recovery drink - I downed them both and I think that I probably sweated them all out at the same time!

This is probably too much information, but I was drenched - I looked like a combination of the kid on Billy Madison that wet his pants and the chick on Flashdance. I was a hot mess. And had to do the Walk of Shame home with sweaty pants (guess it's not really a walk of shame - I busted my tail, I earned that sweat!...but the guy who passes me every morning for his morning smoke and stroll probably thinks I need adult diapers or something!)

Got thru the workout decently well - took a couple of breaks and I know that I will be able to push harder next time! I am proud that I made it all the way to the end of the workout (always an accomplishment not to be crumbled on the floor!!)!

I was really aware of my core today. Tried to really keep it tight throughout the workout. I felt solid! Don't get me wrong, I still felt like a ton of bricks on things like the high jump rope at the end and the switch kicks (which were like the second move and I was already dying!!) Looking forward to building more power in my legs to be able to feel light on those!

Another great mood day too - if nothing else - it's worth the sweat and early alarm to feel this great throughout the day! I haven't hit the afternoon slump like normal and I have tons of energy when I get home - hence yesterday's extra Turbo Kick session!!

Today will try to make it home in time for some Vinyasa Yoga - a nice treat for my bod!


Coach Jillian said...

Omg, I thought I was the only one that got owned by the switch kicks!! Apparently not--good to know I wasn't the only one! =]