's a word that I hear...A LOT...and it's a word that still takes some getting used to.
Growing up, I had a friend in high school that used to say "cute is the same as stupid" - I didn't totally agree, but I understood where she was coming from. And it's a line that's always been embedded in my mind. Then there's Rudolph from the claymation Christmas TV show - with his stopped up little nose, saying "I'm cute, she thinks I'm CUUUTTTEEEE" (as his eyes get all googly and then spasticly flying into the air!!)
Lately, I've heard the word a lot - "oh, you're so cute" "aren't you the cutest thing" "y'all are such a cute couple""cute...cute...cute...cute...cute!!!!". And it's something that I just smile and nod about because, at 32 years old, I don't really think that people should be called cute.
Who knows - maybe I'm wrong. I don't know what other word I'd like to be called - guess it could be worse!!!!! - maybe I just need to grow up and be a big girl about this!!
I am appreciate of the praise, don't get me wrong. I just find it funny that so many people use the same word. It's not like they were in a huddle and decided to all use the same word (1-2-3-CUTE!). So I decided to look up the deifinition to try to get past this hangup I have with the word.
Here's what has to say:
CUTE - /kyut/ - [kyoot] adjective, adverb
1. attractive, esp. in a dainty way; pleasingly pretty
1. attractive, esp. in a dainty way; pleasingly pretty
2. affectedly or mincingly pretty or clever; precious
3. mentally keen; clever; shrewd.
4. Informal. in a cute, charming, or amusing way; cutely
4. Informal. in a cute, charming, or amusing way; cutely
OK - so this isn't so bad.
(deep breath)...
Hi, my name is Kelly and I'm CUTE!!! :)

you are cute :)
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