The countdown is well underway and we are up to our eyeballs in boxes! We're tackling a little bit each night so it's not so overwhelming. Jimmy's job last night was to repack some of the beat up boxes that are at the top of my closet. It's stuff that we need that's been toted around in the same crushed UHaul boxes for 4 years! I thought this would be a quick job for turned out, it was a box full of our old pictures - so it became a trip down memory lane.
I was puttering around packing the kitchen when he called me into the living room in a rather serious tone. He showed me a picture from probably about 8 years ago of me and my Mom and Dad.

I remembered taking the picture vividly - they'd come in from New Orleans to watch me teach my dance classes. I was so proud to have them there with me! But what I didn't realize what what I looked like. I was probably 15-20 pounds heavier than I am now. And I knew that I'd put on weight, but I was 25, had just started out in a "sit down" job in Corporate America, and, coming from a family of mostly obese people, I thought that this was the way it's supposed to be.
Thankfully, I met my husband about this time. And he showed me how to eat healthier (at the time, my diet was primarily chicken fingers and french fries) and helped me get started on a healthier lifestyle. It wasn't because he thought I was overweight or anything (in fact, he said last night that he never really thought of me as "pudgy" or anything) - the weight was something that bothered ME - I didn't feel good, I was lathargic and just didn't feel comfortable in my own skin - so he helped me to get movin' to feel better. Turns out, it was one of the best things I've ever done.
I guess the reason this "before" pic has hit home so much is I just keep thinking about what I'd feel like (not to mention look like) if I'd never met Jimmy or been introduced to a healthier lifestyle. It really stopped us both in our tracks last night. And I think that it's something for everyone to stop and consider (well...not consider MY before pic!!! - but your own)...take a picture (mirrors are don't lie) and look at it - and then really take an inventory of your daily intake and activities.
What path will this lead you down?
If it's a path that you're not comfortable with (like I was), please contact me. My goal, as a Beachbody Coach, is to make a dent in this obesity person at a time.
Let me help you get on the right path!
SO. WOW. You are amazing!
I can't believe that was even "you!" You and Jimmy are just the perfect couple, right down to the timing of when you guys met and dated, and lost's incredible. God knew what He was doing! Amazing job. Seriously, AMAZING JOB! <3 xoxoxoxo
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